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Polish (Poland)Italian - ItalyRussian (CIS)Čeština (Česká republika)English (United Kingdom)French (Fr)Español(Spanish Formal International)Deutsch (DE-CH-AT)Japanese(JP)



Currently OpenRocket contains the translations for  French, Spanish, German, Russian and Italian. You can contribute by proposing new translations.

Files on this page are versions that are currently being developped and should not be considered stable. Download them only if you want to verify the latest translations.

some files need need to be unzziped and contain several programmes. If you click directly on the OpenRocket.jar file l'application utilisera la langue dans laquelle votre PC est configuré par défaut. De manière à pouvoir tester l'application dans toutes les langues disponibles quelque soit la langue par défaut de votre PC il faut cliquer sur le fichier .BAT de la langue de votre choix. Those translations will be included in the final OpenRocket which is under development.

If you find any mistakes in the translations contact me. If you want to use a stable version of OpenRocket download the current version on the OpenRocket site .

You will find under here some beta versions that are compiled on a regiular basis those are distributed so that the changes on the translations can be tested.


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